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5 beneficial places where to hang your Dream Catcher

by Monica soriano 27 Jul 2020 13 Comments

 With this post “where to hang your Dream Catcher” I will answer the question a client asked me after receiving his dream catcher (in USA)



Since I have been researching the origin and meaning of the dream catcher for years, I have many ideas with which to answer this question and I am sure that these 5 ideas of where to hang a dream catcher will serve a lot of people, in addition to my client, who was happy with the answer, by the way😉

In this post I will develop the answer to this so much but so common question that we all ask ourselves when we already have our precious catcher in our hands.

First of all, I want to clarify that for me The Dream Catcher is a sacred object, which I greatly appreciate because it connects me directly with the great wisdom that Native American cultures have kept for centuries, and that by researching and meditating I have concluded that its meaning is very broad and important to the new humanity. That’s what caught me from this ornament and to that end I use it in my life and share it with everyone.


Where did the Native American people hang the dreamcatchers?

The most suitable place for a dreamcatcher, per excellence, is the room where you sleep, because according to the legend, the dreamcatcher will filter our dreams so that we can take advantage of them at dawn. This can be interpreted as the dreamcatcher working as a net that traps dreams so that we can interpret them when we wake up and not forget them. Some people also believe that the dreamcatcher is useful in filtering positive and happy dreams, protecting us from nightmares.

How do I use dreamcatchers?

For my part, I like to believe that in addition to all those beautiful functions, the dream catcher also carries a great deep meaning in the Mandala 🕸 that is formed in its network and also because it is a very beautiful artistic object that helps us to inspire and brings us happiness.

As we have seen in other post each element of the Dream Catcher is important and has its deep meaning so it seems to me that inside the room where you fall asleep is a good place to put it, because it would be where we can see it when we wake up to fill ourselves with art, inspiration and beauty and start the day in a positive way.

In addition, as the dream catchers move with the breeze, they could be very useful to place anywhere in the house where we consider that we need to reinforce the movement of vital energy because we know that sometimes vital energy becomes trapped and generates negativity and disharmony in that area where it gets stuck. As we also developed more extensively in another post , according to Feng Shui , it is very important that the vital energy is in continuous circulation and objects that move with the breeze play a very important role in this regard.

That’s why I make the list :

5 places where it could be very beneficial to hang your dream catcher

1- The children’s room: 

Children have very deep connections with the Dream Catcher, colors and art. If we explain them that the dream catcher will help them sleep better and avoid nightmares, they will feel safer and more protected. For this purpose many people place it in the window, as children tend to think that negative things can enter at night. They will see it as a barrier that will keep them protected even if Mom and Dad aren’t here.


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2- Your room: 

If you like working with the dream world, the interpretation of dreams and the astral world, the best place where to hang you dream catcher  will be the room where you sleep. It is advisable to have a notebook on the light table where you can write down your dreams. The more attention you pay to this topic, the more frequent your dreams will become and their meanings will be deeper. In other posts we talk about the different types of interpretations and tips for interpreting dreams according to theories of Carl Jung and other authors.


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3- The living room or area where you receive visitors:

If you combine the dreamcatcher with protective and cleansing stones, it will become a powerful discharge amulet that will help you keeping the environment's energy clean, it will favor harmony and connection between people. It is advised, for this purpose, the use of soft harmonizing colors and not very strident. The appropriate stones would be tourmaline and quartz crystal among many others that we will expand on in other posts.
This is why everyone put semi-precious stones on our dream catchers.We really believe they are essential to enhance their power.

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4- Your working area: 

Whether in your workshop or in your office inside or outside your home, a dreamcatcher in your work space will make you concentrate, inspire and relax. The most important thing in your work time is to maintain the connection with your Higher Self. A well-designed dreamcatcher with very spiritual colors and stones could be a small moving altar that reminds you of your real and true self at every moment, that will make you work happier, faster, inspired and positive. The right colors for this purpose should be the ranges of green, white, turquoise and blue, but it depends a lot on what your work is, so I recommend you to read the posts where we share the information of the psychological effect of each of the colors.

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5- Your meditation area:

Meditation space should not be missing in your home and just like a sacred image, a candle, an incense or energetic stones, a dreamcatcher would be an excellent activator of your receptive antenna. It is the Wi-Fi antenna that connects us to the angels.Use the power of feathers to connect with energies and your Higher Self🙏. This is the greatest utility Native Americans give to dreamcatchers.


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Therefore, wherever you feel a touch of harmony, inspiration or protection is needed, there is where your dreamcatcher should go.

👉 If you have questions about the topics covered in this post leave them below in the comment box and they will be answered in the following posts.
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09 Nov 2022 Sumana

Very nice post you shared about where to hang Dream Catchers and about its history. I think that now dream catchers are hang in our vehicles also.


Stone properties ☝

15 Jan 2022 Monica

Hi Robert, thanks for your comment. Here is a link to our article on the specific properties of crystals. I hope it helps you in your search, let me know if it has been useful to you. Thank you.

15 Jan 2022 Anonymous

Si zoe!! exacto, no tenemos que limitarlos solo al dormitorio!!! Te ayudará inmensamente allí en habitación / área de trabajo. Un abrazo, gracias por tu comentario.

15 Jan 2022 Robert

I just purchased a dream catcher because I have had horrible nightmares since I was a child. I have it hanging on my lamp beside my bed. I also have some selenite crystals which I read can help with mental clarity. I have always been drawn to rocks and crystals but I am just now starting to learn about them and dig deeper. Do you have any suggestions that might help?

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