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What do the Dreamcatchers Symbolize? - The Art of Weaving Life

by Monica soriano 23 Jul 2020 3 Comments

Years ago we have been investigating and meditating on the enormous and deep symbolism hidden in the dream catchers.

We have come to the conclusion that one of the most relevant teachings hidden in the dreamcatcher is "the art of weaving life"

Dream catchers teach us about the importance of using our minds to shape our material lives, that is what they mean by weaving. They remind us that we have to focus on what we want instead of what we don't want (catch dreams, let go of nightmares, not hold on to pain).

Dreamcatchers tell us that We have the ability to take advantage of thoughts and use them to our advantage, we can dream, and dreams are the engine of our creations.

This is the meaning of the network, it symbolizes our creations that are of a mental nature, like this world. The act of weaving life ... Not letting it just happen ... Dreaming, creating, with will, focus and perseverance. The spider strengthens and enlarges its web every day.

It is about taking our inner strength and acting towards our focus, weaving situations, relationships and forming a network. Controlling impulses, with great patience, as the spider does.

Meditate, contemplate and spend time alone. That is the way to do it. Connect with yourself to access a source of inspiration and wisdom.

This is the gift that the dreamcatchers bring us: weave your net with will and determination, and wait ... Everything arrives in due time, meanwhile reflect on your own appreciation and self-esteem, because that is the basis for you to weave and flow with your fabric.


Dream catchers also give us a contact with nature if you feel that you lack air, sun, plants, soil and water in your life. A dreamcatcher will give you a little of that, especially if it is made with natural and ecological materials.


Dreamcatchers teach us about the importance of using our minds to shape our material lives. We have the ability to take advantage of thoughts and use them to our advantage.

They remind us that we have to focus on what we want instead of what we don't want.

"Knit your net and wait, but never stop knitting." 🧘.

This is the meaning of the network, The act of weaving life ... don't let it just happen ... 🕸️

Namasté, dear to be of light, remember that you are infinite.


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